Hosted by the Philadelphia Chapter
This two-day, in-person course, taught by architectural illustrator David Genther, introduces the techniques of Beaux-Arts wash rendering. Begin by learning the basic skills needed to produce a traditional ink wash rendering of a Doric column capital. Then, develop an understanding of the qualities and characteristics of light, shade, shadow, and reflected light, as well as a sensibility for how architectural geometries, forms, planes, and profiles modulate light and shade, and subsequently render form apparent.
Costs includes most materials. Bring drafting equipment if you have it (at the very least a ruler to use as a straight edge and a pencil). You should bring any and all brushes you own, but two brushes are required and essential to completing the drawing. These are Kolinsky Sable Round watercolor brushes #4 and #8. They can be purchased here:#4 Princeton 7050 and #8 Princeton 7050.
This event is hosted by an ICAA Chapter. Please check the Chapter website or contact the Chapter directly, for the most up-to-date details including dates, times, and pricing.