Hosted by the Louisiana Chapter
This fast-paced 6 hour intensive provides an introduction to understanding and laying out classical architecture through a study of the proportions and ornament of the Corinthian Order. Students of all abilities will learn to free-hand draw the classical moldings, while learning why the moldings work, and how to employ them for greatest effect. You'll learn the proportions, details and essential parts of classical architecture by laying out a column, entablature, and pediment (don't worry, you'll know those terms before the course is done). The intensive will end with a sketch problem combining these elements to create a classical door aedicula and a typical façade (don't worry...).
Most importantly, you will learn why the study of the classical orders is an essential foundation in the study and practice of architecture whether traditional or contemporary.
The elements of classical architecture include the formalized canon of proportioning systems and geometries for the classical orders that has guided the practice of architecture since antiquity. Collectively, the orders present a spectrum of complexity in detail and refinement, and a tectonic ordering system that is evident in the design of all classical buildings. This course introduces the nomenclature and proportional relationships of the Corinthian order, as well as a process for proportioning a columnar order for any set of dimensional parameters. Participants will lay out, through freehand drawing, a Corinthian column and the details of its base, capital, and entablature according to a method based on that of the 16th century architect Giacomo Barozzi daVignola. The class concludes with a look at some of the syntax that guides the application of the Corinthian order within an architectural composition and its use in buildings past and present.
Course Prerequisites:
Course material is suitable for those with limited exposure to classical architecture as well as those seeking to refresh their familiarity with the content. Rudimentary pencil drawing skills are recommended.
Drawings will be done on large format paper in soft pencil. Please bring the following to class:
This event is hosted by an ICAA Chapter. Please check the Chapter website, or contact the Chapter directly, for the most up-to-date details including dates, times, and pricing.
At the end of the course participants will be able to: