Hosted by the ICAA Florida Chapter | Lecture: 2 credits towards the Certificate in Classical Architecture (Elective) | 2 AIA CES Learning Units | HSW Tour: 2 credits towards the Certificate in Classical Architecture (Elective) | 2 AIA CES Learning Units | HSW
For over 100 years, Naples has been emblematic of the unique challenges of placemaking in the state of Florida, which accommodates the longest coastline in the contiguous United States and the third largest population overall. Recent extreme weather events along with the demand for growth and development justify an opportunity for Urbanists and Traditionalists to come together to analyze where Naples has come and where it is headed, with an eye towards resilient and sustainable communities that are adapted to their environs.
Featured events for the weekend include a chat with a multidisciplinary professional panel who will navigate and expand upon their decades of experiences of working in Naples, walking tours of the historic neighborhoods, a visit to and analysis of a project in-progress, and an evening cocktail social. Please join us for a day to explore the history, discuss the lessons, and visualize the potential of this vibrant and robust coastal community!
This event is hosted by an ICAA Chapter. Please check the Chapter website or contact the Chapter directly for the most up-to-date details including dates, times, and pricing.
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
1) Summarize the impacts of modern weather events on past and current edifices in coastal zones, particularly effects of not only wind dynamics, but wave action, rising groundwater inland, and the location of breakwaters, seawalls, dunes, and landscaping.
2) Describe FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) designations for V and A zones, plus Florida Building Code Coastal A exceptions.
3) Describe Florida DEP Coastal Construction Control Line jurisdictional designations and the application of CCCL requirements, including: Lowest Horizontal Structural Member, FDEP Design Flood Elevation, Florida Building Code requirements for frangible construction and Allowed Uses with Dry Floodproofing.
4) Identify the specific roles, unique to commercial construction in South Florida coastal zones, various design and consulting professionals bring to bear on a modern building project.
5) Describe construction assemblies, landscaping goals, building details, and design strategies required and recommended for resilient construction in coastal zones.