Hosted by the Washington Mid Atlantic Chapter
Columns & Coffee is a monthly social sketching excursion led by the L'Enfants, the emerging architects branch of the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art, Washington Mid Atlantic Chapter. Anyone with an interest in sketching and/or connecting with other artists and architects is encouraged to attend. This month, participants will be sketching at the Daughters of the American Revolution’s Memorial Continental Hall.
Edward Pearce Casey designed the original building, which opened in 1910. However, the DAR quickly outgrew the space, and they hired John Russell Pope to design the Neoclassical Constitution Hall as a second facility in 1928. Constitution Hall’s famous auditorium remains the largest in Washington, DC. Participants should be prepared to bring their own materials, and meet at the Starbucks at 20th and E at 10:00 AM. The group will be sketching for about 2.5-3 hours, but people are welcome to come and go as they please.
This event is hosted by an ICAA Chapter. Please check the Chapter website, or contact the Chapter directly, for the most up-to-date details including dates, times, and pricing.