Hosted by the Louisiana Chapter
A quiet revolution is unfolding in the realm of classical architecture today, as the environmental, technological, and economic demands of contemporary practice require levels of efficiency that were never previously expected. This new wave of modern classicism reflects a progressive approach, addressing the pressing needs of the present and future fabric of our cities, towns and landscapes. Edited by Victor Deupi, "Transformations in Classical Architecture" examines how classical - and traditional - architecture can evolve in relation to new paradigms of research and practice (digital media and fabrication, sustainability, ecology, and emerging economies).
Join the ICAA for a lecture that will examine this architectural transformation, featuring editor Victor Deupi as speaker.
This event is hosted by an ICAA Chapter. Please check the Chapter website, or contact the Chapter directly, for the most up-to-date details including dates, times, and pricing.
Victor Deupi