Hosted by the Florida Chapter
Virtual Sketching with the ICAA FLORIDA CHAPTER
Join us for our Florida Summer Sketch Tour, a weekly virtual sketching exercise.
This week's subject: Dodd Hall, Florida State University, Tallahassee
Dodd Hall served as the Florida State University library from 1924 to 1956, when Strozier Library was completed on campus. This historic landmark is an exceptional example of Gothic Revival architecture and represents not only a significant piece of the historic fabric of the FSU campus, but also the academic history of Florida State University. This rich history is illustrated through a series of custom stained glass windows in the Werkmeister Humanities Reading Room. The central stained glass window with an intricate image of the campus and Florida landscape was constructed by Bob and Jo Ann Bischoff and includes over 10,000 individual pieces of glass. The stained glass windows flanking the grand hall illustrate key figures and events from FSU history.
The smaller west wing was built in 1925. The larger east and south wings were constructed between 1928 and 1929, bringing the building to its current configuration. Over the main entrance, rendered in gold leaf, are the words, "The half of knowledge is to know where to find knowledge."
Here’s how it works:
@icaaflorida #floridasummersketchtour #icaaflorida
We’ll be searching for those tags and may feature your #floridasummersketchtour image on our Instagram page on Monday!
Ends Sunday, August 9th at midnight.