When and how did fashionable and tranquil Lafayette Place—100 feet wide, 3 blocks long, with no cross streets—come into being in the 19th Century? By what stages did it evolve? How and when did Lafayette Place become Lafayette Street, and how did the new, much longer, street develop? This lecture will cover, among other things, the conditions that both brought the Merchant’s House into being — and its preservation and survival defied. Not least, this will be a lecture on New York maps and their use in research.Francis Morrone is a renowned architectural historian and writer. He is the author of eleven books, including, most recently, “Guide to New York City Urban Landscapes” (W.W. Norton, 2013). Morrone has also written highly-regarded architectural guidebooks to Philadelphia, and Brooklyn. His writings have appeared in many publications, including the Wall Street Journal, the New Criterion, City Journal, Humanities and the New York Sun, where he was an art and architecture critic. He teaches architectural and urban history at New York University, and is the recipient of the university’s Excellence in Teaching Award. Travel + Leisure magazine named him as one of the 13 best tour guides in the world. Francis Morrone was also honored by the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art with an Arthur Ross Award.
This lecture is being held in collaboration with the Merchant's House Museum. Please register through the Merchant's House Museum using the links below.
To register for an event hosted by the ICAA National Office, you can use the registration link noted on the program page, email [email protected], or call 212-730-9646 x105. ICAA Chapters manage event registration for their own events. While Chapter events may be listed on classicist.org, you should check the Chapter website, or contact the Chapter directly, for the most up-to-date details including dates, times, pricing, and information on how to register.
Not all programs require membership to the ICAA. Details for each are noted on the program page; those that are not open to the general public should indicate that the event is open to ICAA members only. As many programs are free or reduced price for ICAA members, the ICAA does encourage you to sign up as a member if you are not currently.
The ICAA tries to keep programs free or at a reduced price for members. These details will be listed on the program page and registration page. The fee for non-members to attend programs hosted by the ICAA National Office is typically $30. Fees for Chapter events may vary. Note: If you are an employee of a firm that is an active member of the ICAA, you may be eligible to receive member benefits and to register at the member price. You are welcome to contact [email protected] or call 212-730-9646 x104 to confirm.
To be added to the wait list for an event hosted by the ICAA National Office, please email [email protected], or call 212-730-9646 x105. For any questions related to ICAA Chapter events, please check the Chapter website, or contact the Chapter directly for the most up-to-date details including dates, times, and pricing.
If you would like to suggest an idea for an ICAA event, please email [email protected] with a title, description, and short biography six to ten months in advance of the available time frame for consideration. Note that the ICAA is able to offer a limited number of programs each season. If you would like to lecture for one of the ICAA's regional Chapters, please contact the Chapter directly.