Hosted by the Rocky Mountain Chapter
SKETCHING BENEDICT SATURDAY: An Exploration of Jacques Benedict’s WorksLEVIE-LEMAN-BAILEY HOUSE:The Levie-Leman-Bailey House, designed by Jacques Benedict in 1924, was constructed for $80,000. The one and a half story, ten room, Italian Renaissance Revival style house backed up to Cheeseman Park and reportedly included an elevator and “every modern convenience.” The structure had stucco walls, a tile roof, balconets, round arch windows and a bowed center section of the facade containing an elaborate pointed arch entrance. Sources: History Colorado, National Register of Historic PlacesHOW TO PARTICIPATE:1. Using any medium, sketch one, two or all of the images provided- have your kids, significant other or roommates participate too!2. Take a snapshot of your sketch and post it to your Instagram by Wednesday 8/5. Include a little note about your sketch and the following tags:@icaarockymountain#sketchingbenedictrmcWe will be watching for these tags & can’t wait to share all of the inspired work on our Instagram!