Hosted by the Rocky Mountain Chapter
SKETCHING BENEDICT SATURDAY: An Exploration of Jacques Benedict’s WorksROSEDALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL:Rosedale Elementary School, designed by Jacques Benedict in 1924, was erected during a period of great expansion in the city school facilities influenced by the City Beautiful movement. The five-acre school site adjoined Rosedale Park and commanded a panoramic view of the mountains. The $102,000 school building reflected the Collegiate Gothic style in a two-story dark red and brown brick composition with a side gable roof intersected by lavishly ornamented gabled entrance pavilions at each end of the façade. The parapeted pavilions had terra cotta coping, Tudor arch entrances, and elaborate terra cotta frontispieces pierced by narrow windows extending to the apex of the gables. Between the pavilions were three bays, each with ribbons of five large windows on each story. From the time of its completion, the school was listed among the beautiful buildings in the city. Sources: National Park Service, Denver Public LibraryHOW TO PARTICIPATE:1. Using any medium, sketch one, two or all of the images provided- have your kids, significant other or roommates participate too!2. Take a snapshot of your sketch and post it to your Instagram by Wednesday 8/19. Include a little note about your sketch and the following tags:@icaarockymountain#sketchingbenedictrmcWe will be watching for these tags & can’t wait to share all of the inspired work on our Instagram!