Hosted by the Rocky Mountain Chapter
SKETCHING BENEDICT SATURDAY: An Exploration of Jacques Benedict’s WorksSNYDER-DORSEY HOUSE:In 1912 Jacques Benedict designed the Snyder-Dorsey House for Irving T. Snyder, vice-president of the Vindicator Consolidated Gold Mining Company. In 1915, the house was sold to prominent attorney Clayton C. Dorsey, a founding partner in Hughes and Dorsey. Located in the prestigious Denver Country Club, the two-and-a-half-story brick residence was designed in the Tudor Revival Style. Significant architectural features include the defining Tudor arch entrance constructed of stone, the entry balcony ornamented with a quatrefoil balustrade, the roof with truncated gable and the intricate iron fence. Sources: National Park Service, Country Club HistoricHOW TO PARTICIPATE:1. Using any medium, sketch one, two or all of the images provided- have your kids, significant other or roommates participate too!2. Take a snapshot of your sketch and post it to your Instagram by Wednesday 9/2. Include a little note about your sketch and the following tags:@icaarockymountain#sketchingbenedictrmcWe will be watching for these tags & can’t wait to share all of the inspired work on our Instagram!