32 events

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Henry Hobson Richardson: Drawings from the Collection of Houghton Library, Harvard University
Workshop in Classical Architecture: University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Urban Design Elements
An evening with Timothy Corrigan
Treasures from Newport
Workshop in Classical Architecture: Georgia Tech
Voyages of Creativity: The Influence of Travel on Design
The Architecture of Place: In Conversation with Minty Sainsbury
New Year Member Celebration
Classical Echoes in Oak Hill Cemetery
Color Mastery - How to See, Understand & Use Color Like a Pro
The Art of the Architect: Michael G. Imber Book Signing
ICAA Northwest Chapter Lecture Series
Spring Membership Cocktail Party
The Architecture of Place: In Conversation with Safoura Zahedi
A. Hays Town Lecture at Drusilla Seafood
ICAA SoCal welcomes Ben Pentreath and his new release ‘An English Vision’
A Panel Discussion featuring Dallas' Best Contractors
Dumbarton Oaks with Annabelle Selldorf & Gary R. Hilderbrand
Enduring Foundations: Naples Coastal Architecture for a Resilient Future
Enduring Foundations: Naples Artistry in Wood
The Craft of Rebuilding Notre Dame
Faubourg Marigny Salon at the home of Dr. Gene Cizek
Sir Edwin Lutyens: the Arts and Crafts Houses
Treasures of India
Building Craft: Iron Work
The Architecture of Place: In Conversation with Sara Bega
Windsor Urbanism - Walking Tour & Panel Discussion
Crafting Traditional Homes: Building with Tradition in the Modern Age
The Art of the Architect with Michael G. Imber
Workshop in Classical Architecture: Utah Valley University
Phillip Smith: “Reclaiming the Classical Legacy: African American Contributions to Charleston’s Architectural Heritage”
Merida Studio Tour
Teofilo Victoria Lecture Series: The City Beautiful Movement Design Influences on Coral Gables
The American Dream: The Architecture of Central Park South with Michael Jones
An evening with Mexico City based architecture and design firm, Loyzaga
Homes of Quiet Elegance: Wade Weissmann with Tom Wynn, Eric Slavin & Nick Hohenstein

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