John Russell Pope Awards

The 2025 John Russell Pope Awards will be held on May 2nd, 2025 at Sulgrave Club in Washington, DC.

The Institute of Classical Architecture & Art Washington Mid Atlantic Chapter (ICAA-WMA) celebrates excellence in traditional architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, preservation, urbanism, and artisanship through the biennial John Russell Pope Awards. The awards are named for John Russell Pope, 1874-1937, best known as the architect of the Jefferson Memorial and the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. Other important works include the National Archives Building, Constitution Hall, the Temple of the Scottish Rite, as well as numerous exemplary private homes.

As noted by architect and historian Stephen M. Bedford, Pope’s domestic and monumental architecture established him as a “leader in the development of highly refined and restrained American classicism.” Founded in 2015, the awards program recognizes the best work of individuals who contribute to the creation of classical and traditional architecture and the allied arts within the Washington Mid Atlantic region.

Image: 2017 Winner, Civic and Institutional Design – “Christopher Newport Hall” – Glavé & Holmes Architecture

Award categories
Residential New Construction
Under 5000 sf
Residential New Construction
Over 5000 sf
Residential Renovation
Under 5000 sf
Residential Renovation
Over 5000 sf
Landscape Design
Commercial & Institutional Design
Ecclesiastical Design
Urban Design
Historic Preservation
Interior Design
Interior Design
Commercial & Institutional
Design and Craftsmanship
Follies, Pleasure Pavilions, Eyecatchers
Student & Emerging Classicist Awards
Winners from
Franck & Lohsen Architects, Inc. - Waterfowl
Residential New Construction, Under 8,000 SF
Fairfax & Sammons Architects - Hatton Grange
Residential Renovation
Arentz Lanscape Architects LLC - Sycamore Point
Landscape Design
David M. Schwarz Architects - Rosewood Le Guanahini
Commercial Design
David M. Schwarz Architects - Zeppos College at Vanderbilt Universiity
Institutional Design
Harrison Design - Our Mother of Perpetual Help
Ecclesiastical Design
J.E. Schram Architect - Le'Ecole de la Cour
Urban Design
Kimmel Studios - Cloverfields
Historic Preservation
McCrery Architects - Hoynak Banquet Hall
Interior Design, Commercial & Institutional
Travis McDonald and Poplar Forest - Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest
Michael Bursch - Church and Temple, An Analytique Comparison
Emerging Classicist, Drawing
Anthony Ferraro - Basilica of Saint Benedict
Emerging Classicist, Design
Neumann Lewis Buchanan Architects - "Ferry Point"
Residential New Construction Under 8,000 Square Feet
Gaston & Wyatt - "Indoor Outdoor Retreat In Connecticut"
Glave & Holmes Architecture - "Scott House Study And Rehabilitation"
Historic Preservation
Franck & Lohsen Architects, Inc. - "St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church"
Ecclesiastical Design
David M. Schwarz Architects - "Waycroft"
Interior Design - Commercial & Institutional
David M. Schwarz Architects - "Dickies Arena"
Commercial & Institutional Design
Torti Gallas + Partners - "Boneval"
Multi-Family Residential Design
Torti Gallas + Partners - "Park Van Ness"
Commercial Design
Robert A.M. Stern Architects - "House in Virginia Beach"
Residential New Construction Over 8,000 Square Feet
Hill & Hurtt Architects - "Historic Shaw Rowhouse"
Residential Renovation
Mike Watkins Architect - "Du Bignon"
Urban Design
Iron Masters, Inc. - "An Enticing Iron Grille"
Arentz Landscape Architects, LLC - "Chain Bridge Garden"
Landscape Design
Manuel de Santaren - "House In Virginia Beach"
Interior Design - Residential
Patrick Suarez - "Truth To Form A Meaningful City The Language Of Sacred Architecture"
Emerging Classicist Design
Patrick Suarez - "Lincoln Memorial"
Emerging Classicist Design
Jones & Boer Architects - "Sycamore Point"
Residential New Construction Over 5,000 Square Feet
Patrick Sutton - "Sagamore Pendry Hotel"
Interior Design
Arentz Landscape Architects, LLC - "Whitehaven Street Garden"
Landscape Design
David M. Schwarz Architects, Inc. and Hastings Architecture - "E. Bronson Ingram Residential College"
Commercial & Institutional Design
O'Brien & Keane Architecture - "Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral"
Ecclesiastical Design
Franck & Lohsen Architects - "Decatur House"
Historic Preservation
Michael Watkins Architect - "Johnson Square"
Urban Design
Marmi Natural Stone - "Sagamore Pendry Hotel"
Interior Design - Commercial & Institutional
Nicole Doyle, Timothy Farina, Daniel Glasgow, Mallory Smith - "Museum of the United States Supreme Court"
Student Award
Iron Masters, Inc. - "Classical Music Forged"
Jones & Boer Architects - “West River House”
New Construction under 5,000 sf
Jones & Boer Architects - “Chain Bridge House”
New Construction over 5,000 sf
Donald Lococo - “Kalorama Renovation”
Addition / Renovation under 5,000 sf
Barnes Vanze Architects - “Addition to a Pope House”
Addition / Renovation over 5,000 sf
Glave and Holmes - “Christopher Newport Hall”
Civic and Institutional Design
O’Brien and Keane Architects - “Mary’s Chapel”
Ecclesiastical Design under 3,000 sf
McCrery Architects - “St. Mary’s Help”
Ecclesiastical Design over 3,000 sf
Historical Arts and Casting - “US Capitol Restoration”
Historic Preservation
Patrick Sutton Interiors - “New Life for a Storied Home”
Interior Design – Multiple Rooms
Iron Masters, Inc. - “Ironwork in the Artisan Tradition”
Artisanship – Ironwork
Marmi Natural Stone - “Monumental Staircase”
Artisanship – Stone
Parker Hansen - “Debate Theater on the National Mall”
Horizon Builders Student Award
Michael Rabe - “Shipbuilding Museum”
Horizon Builders Student Award
Anne Decker Architects - "Distilled Tradition"
Winner - New Residential Design - under 5,000 sf
Hamady Architects, LLC - “A Mountain Home in West Virginia”
Winner - New Residential Design - over 5,000 sf
Neumann Lewis Buchanan Architects - “Badger Hill Farm”
Winner - Residential Renovation or Addition over 5,000 sf
3north - "Classicism Redux”
Winner - Residential Addition or Renovation - under 5,000 sf
Jones & Boer Architects - “Queen Anne Revival”
Honorable Mention - Renovation or Addition under 5,000 sf
Donald Lococo Architects, LLC - “Linnean House”
Honorable Mention - New Residential Design over 5,000 sf
Barnes Vanze Architects - “Flemish Revival Townhouse”
Honorable Mention - Historic Preservation
Hartman Cox Architects - “Francis L. Caradozo High School”
Winner - Historic Preservation
Hartman Cox Architects - "American Pharmacists Association Headquarters”
Winner - Commercial, Institutional, or Ecclesiastical Design
Glavé & Holmes Architecture - “Carole Weinstein International Center”
Honorable Mention - Commercial / Educational
Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects - “Seven Ponds Farm”
Winner - Landscape Design
Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects - “The Cedars”
Honorable Mention - Landscape Design
Michael Watkins Architecture, LLC - “Union Village”
Winner - Urban Planning
Sroka Design - “Norton Manor”
Honorable Mention - Interior Design
Gaston & Wyatt - “Monticello Blinds”
Winner - Artisanship

Residential New Construction Under 8,000 SF, The Waterfowl Residence by Franck & Lohsen Architects, Inc.

Residential Renovation – Hatton Grange by Fairfax and Sammons Architecture

Landscape Design, Sycamore Point by Arentz Landscape Architects LLC

Commercial Design, Rosewood Le Guanahini by David M. Schwarz Architects, Inc.

Institutional Design, Zeppos College at Vanderbilt University by David M. Schwarz Architects, Inc.

Ecclesiastical Design, Our Mother of Perpetual Help by Harrison Design

Urban Design, Le’Ecole de la Cour, J.E. Schram Architect

Historic Preservation, Cloverfields by Kimmel Studios

Interior Design Commercial & Institutional Hoynak Banquet Hall, by McCrery Architects

Artisanship, Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest by Travis McDonald and Poplar Forest

Emerging Classicist – Drawing, Church and Temple, An Analytique Comparison by Michael Bursch

Emerging Classicist – Design, Basilica of Saint Benedict, by Anthony Ferraro

Jones & Boer Architects’ “West River House” New Construction under 5,000 sf

Jones & Boer Architects’ “Chain Bridge House” New Construction over 5,000 sf

Donald Lococo’s “Kalorama Renovation” Addition / Renovation under 5,000 sf

Barnes Vanze Architects’ “Addition to a Pope House” Addition / Renovation over 5,000 sf

Glave and Holmes’ “Christopher Newport Hall” Civic and Institutional design

O’Brien and Keane Architects’ “Mary’s Chapel” Ecclesiastical Design under 3,000 sf

McCrery Architects’ “St. Mary’s Help” Ecclesiastical Design over 3,000 sf

Historical Arts and Casting’s “US Capitol Restoration” Historic Preservation

Patrick Sutton Interiors’ “New Life for a Storied Home” Interior Design – Multiple Rooms

Iron Masters, Inc.’s “Ironwork in the Artisan Tradition” Artisanship – Ironwork

Marmi Natural Stone’s “Monumental Staircase” Artisanship – Stone

Parker Hansen’s “Debate Theater on the National Mall” Horizon Builders Student Award

Michael Rabe’s “Shipbuilding Museum” Horizon Builders Student Award

Anne Decker Architects' "Distilled Tradition" New Residential Design - under 5,000 sf

Hamady Architects, LLC's “A Mountain Home in West Virginia” New Residential Design - over 5,000 sf

Neumann Lewis Buchanan Architects' “Badger Hill Farm” Residential Renovation or Addition over 5,000 sf

3north's "Classicism Redux” Winner Residential Addition or Renovation - under 5,000 sf

Jones & Boer Architects' “Queen Anne Revival” Honorable Mention Renovation or Addition under 5,000 sf

Donald Lococo Architects, LLC's “Linnean House” Honorable Mention New Residential Design over 5,000 sf

Barnes Vanze Architects' “Flemish Revival Townhouse” 2015 Honorable Mention Historic Preservation

Hartman Cox Architects' “Francis L. Caradozo High School” Winner Historic Preservation

Hartman Cox Architects' “American Pharmacists Association Headquarters” Winner Commercial, Institutional, or Ecclesiastical Design

Glavé & Holmes Architecture - “Carole Weinstein International Center” Honorable Mention - Commercial / Educational

Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects' “Seven Ponds Farm” Winner Landscape Design

Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects' “The Cedars” Honorable Mention Landscape Design

Michael Watkins Architecture, LLC's “Union Village” Winner Urban Planning

Sroka Design's “Norton Manor” Honorable Mention Interior Design

Gaston & Wyatt's “Monticello Blinds” Winner Artisanship