The deadline to apply for the 2026 Rieger Graham Prize is Friday, December 15, 2025.
Application Documents
The applicant must submit a proposal for a project involving research, documentation and design, showing how the applicant sees fit to explore Rome in the best way possible for his/her career development. The foremost priority in choosing the Prize recipient will be the project’s link to the opportunity to learn from Rome and its environs in situ.
Application documents must include:
- Cover letter (Maximum 1 page).
- Current resume or CV describing educational credentials and related professional experience (Maximum 2 pages).
- Statement of Intent — a proposal that describes the intended project applicants hope to undertake while in Rome. Projects described should describe how the applicant seeks to explore Rome, and describe how the fellowship would serve their future career development (Maximum 3 pages).
- One (1) letter of recommendation from teachers or professionals
- Samples from past work, (no more than fifteen (15) images, photographs, or drawings) whether accomplished in school or in the field as a practicing professional. At least half of all submitted images should be hand drawings. If drawings are from projects completed by more than one person, captions should specify the role of the applicant in the submitted work.
All submission materials should be submitted by email to Hard copy applications will not be accepted.
In addition to the merits of the project proposal and personal credentials, the jury will look for exceptional and demonstrable skill as measured by samples submitted from past work. Emphasis will be placed on hand drawing skills, creativity of projects, and engagement with the key principles of classical design.
The jury will judge such talent against the complementary Vitruvian ideals of strength, function and beauty as revealed by both the conception of the design samples and their manual execution.
The jury will also judge the potential of each proposed project to create a cohesive and thoughtful body of work of exhibition quality.
After completing study in Rome, the Prize winner will be required to submit a publishable result from their experience, which will be the property of the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art and which can be featured in Institute publications, social media, and/or exhibitions as applicable.
The winner should intend to provide finished drawings/artworks at least six months after they return from the fellowship.
Candidates must have received a four or five year Bachelor of Architecture degree, Master of Architecture degree, or Master of Fine Arts degree prior to the fellowship. The prize will be limited to United States citizens.
The proposed three-month stay must begin between September of the prize year and June of the following year.
Please Inquire
Contact Mollie Wohlforth ( or call 212-730-9646, ext. 115 with questions.